
St Margaret Ward have a committed team of governors who provide strategic leadership and accountability for our school. The governing board includes parents, staff members and those individuals who are already part of our Parish community and are appointed by the Diocese of Shrewsbury.

Governors help set the aims and objectives for the school as well as approving the policies for achieving those goals. They monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making and act as a source of challenge and support to the headteacher.

The governing board has has three key functions:

  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent
  • Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction

Below you will find more information about the Governing Board of St Margaret Ward.

From the members of the governing board, we also have link governors who act as the ‘link’ between the board and a specific subject, curriculum area or another aspect of the work of the school. They visit the school to monitor their area of responsibility and then report back to the other governors.

Currently, our link governors – who are appointed by the governing board – are:

Safeguarding - Mrs Denise Brereton; SEN - Mrs Denise Brereton; Equality - Mrs Anne Toone;
RE - Mrs Anne Toone & Fr Ned Wall; SMSC - Mrs Anne Toone; Mental Health - Mrs Anne Toone; Pupil Premium - Mrs Patrica Booth

As well as the termly full Governing Board meetings, there are also committees which each meet between once and three times a year. 

Business Development Committee

Dr Rachel Stenhouse (chair)

Mr Adam Abdulla

Mrs Patricia Booth

Ms Victoria Cassidy

Mrs Zoe Carroll

Mr Jason Hughes

Mr Peter Macfarlane

School Development Committee

Fr Ned Wall (chair)

Mrs Denise Brereton

Mrs Louise Davies

Mr Ross McRae

Mrs Natalie Gaulton

Mr Jason Hughes

 Mrs Anne Toone

Admissions Committee

 All governors subject to availability and impartiality are requested to be available to attend.

Pay Review Committee

Mrs Denise Brereton (chair)

Mrs Anne Toone

Mrs Patricia Booth

Headteacher Performance Management Committee

Mrs Anne Toone (chair)

Mrs Denise Brereton

Fr Ned Wall

Pupil Discipline/Complaints/Hearings committees

All governors subject to availability and impartiality are requested to be available to attend.