Pastoral Support
We are absolutely committed to ensuring that children are as well and happy as they can be at school.
We understand that a happy school community where children are settled and well cared for will foster well-rounded, confident children who can thrive academically and socially.
Class teachers and senior leaders will get to know all of the children and take responsibility for your child’s welfare and progress in school.
Sometimes families experience problems along the way where further support may be required and our Pastoral Manager, Mrs Murphy is available Monday to Thursday to discuss any issues you may have with your child. The kind of support families use can vary, for example concerns about behaviour at home; toilet training; medical issues and friendship difficulties. Mrs Murphy can also help with access to other services such as the school nurse, health visitor, Speech and Language services, Stronger Families and others. She may attend children’s reviews/meetings and can provide time to talk for children who may have worries about home or school. She also runs small groups for children to help them develop their self-esteem, manage their anger or make stronger friendships with other children.
Sometimes the concern may be one raised by the school, for example where a child’s attendance is falling below expected levels or where lateness is impacting on his/her school experience. In these circumstances, Mrs Murphy may approach parents directly.
Our aim is to work in partnership to support families in getting the best outcomes for all the children in our care.
If you have any queries in relation to pastoral care, or if you just want to sound something out, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Murphy – you’ll see her around school and on the playground in the mornings or you can ask for her via your child’s class teacher or the school office.